Topic 6: In-Depth Project.

Vessels is the name of my last project for WARP. Being an open topic and meant to show our growth and change, I decided to take into consideration all I've learned during this time.

When I became a student of NWSA, my skillset was very limited, being a novice graphic designer. My thought process was also very lacking and superficial, often being very clean and crafted but not very endearing or soulful.

Throughout the semester, after lots of critiques and many hours of incredible advice and lecturing, I tried to become more flexible and thorough with my process, and not be afraid of incite emotion, and how to mix that with a clean and detail oriented approach.

This last project was conceived as a very specific experience, to either be had alone or in a space shared with others, and with a certain frame of mind. The audio experience works best when relaxed, and open to the experience, that is why everyone was asked to sit comfortably, lie back, and breathe in and out slowly and calmly. In a sense, that's how you introduce a state of trance, by allowing the subject to relax and lower their guards.

But to also help with the atmosphere, and hinder distractions, the lights were turned off, and everyone was blindfolded, away from the little light left in the room. This makes the experience a bit more focused and although initially uncomfortable or awkward, once you see everyone putting the blindfold, it stops being weird and becomes a bit dangerous.

Lastly the audio was created at 100 bpm which equates a heart rate.

The music itself was created with a bass and guitar, heavily distorted and mixed, with vocals layering it. The vocals are treated with echo and high proximity effects as well as very sensitive . drums where included, although not as an instrument and more as an effect, creating a heartbeat at times. The piece is meant to peak towards the end, then keep the tension for a bit longer after the peak and finally release.

( Please follow instructions here: -headphones   -sit or lie down   -dark room with eyes closed.   -breathe in and out, calmly and try to relax for 60 seconds.   -play audio).


(Dropbox is giving trouble syncing, will try again before 12 tonight)

Words are as such:

Once yo udrown in darkness, you forget
what life feels like.
Trapped, denied, hollowed.
There I was until I found it. A speck of light:
glimmering, blinking erratically.

And suddenly it was all real,
and my vessel moved towards it. Half blind,
towards the light that faded, stuttered,
barely alive.

For it was light, light within the void.

And as I approached, warmth embraced
me, kissing my skin, thawing my veins.

Suddenly I breathed. Alive again.
Bursting in flames. Ready to give life back.

No matter how much I gave, the light kept fading
in and out of existence. Broken.
I couldnt comprehend. why was it still waning?
Surely with so much care it would grow stronger.
Then why was it  dimming? so much warmth, yet no response.
This vessel grew colder, left empty by the flimsy light, the dying light,
that which showed me life but denied to embrace it!

Then it all just ended.

Yet I stand here, today, to let you know:
Even though my warmth is drained.
Even though your light is starved.
Even though we are no longer...

I just want you to heal.
I just want you to heal.
I just want you to heal.
