Topic 5: In Depth Project

The In-depth project for Narratives had several requirements and phases, I"d like to give a summary of what the finished project represents and narrates.

In this specific case, before there was a narrative, there was an interest in exploring certain skill-sets and treatments to create an aesthetic.

I knew I wanted to create something that looked aged, like it had a history, but not something physically valuable filled with jewelry and ornamentation. I wanted something intimate.

From this and the inspiration from my colleagues in the past topic ( Juan's performance piece) I put together what would later transform into the final narrative, but started as a dancer. I decided early on to create a dancer in motion, going from one pose to another, and the most natural way to express that was through an accordion zine, which we had already been exposed to. But for this accordion zine, I wanted to experiment and incorporate it into the concept. Therefore, I sat down when constructing the zine and calculated the sizes I needed for the pages, In a way where every two pages ( where they fold backwards) the third page was 0.25 inches longer. Later on, Also incorporated a last page double the size of the other pages folded, where I would place the text.

This way I felt it created a sense of progression and movement, while exposing part of the narrative while closed, and unraveling when open.

I created the dancer with ink on paper, which is a very free medium for me and allows abstraction and beautiful mark making. I knew also that it would meld well with the overall concept.

while I was doing all this process, the Narrative solidified inside my head and the process streamlined. The project turned into something else. This box, with the zine and  the sculptures that had to be made, was a gift. From a grandmother to a granddaughter. A gift to give her hope, advice and strength.

" My dear child. Time might take away your ability to move, but never your ability to dance".

that was the text I chose to place at the end of the zine. visible when closed. Now this is fairly vague, we know its from a person to another, and maybe an older person, but not necessarily, therefore gave me freedom to add those pieces with sculptures and package.

the three sculptures consisted on items That were meant to be hand made or aged with time, like a relic from the person giving the gift to the receiver.

Once sculpture was a pair of ballerina slippers, made with clay and painted to age. This not only work as a intimate touch, but give us information about the type of dancing we are speaking about, while opening up ideas of who does the dancing, is it the grandmother or the granddaughter? the second sculpture was a photo transferred unto wood that was treated and aged. This photo only showed an older lady embracing a younger child for a portrait. This gave the context of age and possible subjects, in a very personal way. Not necessarily subtle, but better than simply stating it.

third sculpture was a representation of the actual ballerina. It is a work of craft, one that we as kids learn to do, and that is paper dolls. yet this one is old, like gramma, but still there ready to dance.

Lastly, there are a few things to tie everything together.

The packaging chosen was a direct representation of an old memory of mine, which I identify with the elderly and care. this box was heavily treated, aged and painted, as well as dressed in black, to further the idea of a personal package and not a store bought one. It shares the same colors and aging that the rest of the pieces including the zines. It also has another added connection, which is the Signature that was created for this project. This signature originally was the cover for the zine, but also got carved into the wood, in an effort to create more cohesion and cement the box as an important part of the narrative and gift

Overall That could be a summary of the work. I am personally very pleased with this project since 90% of it was stepping out of my comfort zone in both concept and skill-set. I am glad to know I can actually sculpt in clay, age materials, photo transfer and all of these processes that occurred.
