Topic Five: Rothman's Reading response

John Hankiewicz

The Kimball House.

I"d like to use page four of this strange comic to point out what I like about it both formally and conceptually

This is page 4 of the comic. Now the comic presents the apparent argument between a roofer and the client, who was not pleased about how the roof came out. But throughout all this, you're asking yourself what the comic REALLY is about, since the surrealistic panels and use of contrast and censoring of certain words make you wonder. The visuals also bring up many questions and entice the reader to really sit down and digest the work. The aesthetics in this comic really make everything work and meld, adding depth in layering to the underlying plot, tho maybe overshadowing. I must definitely read this a couple more times to see what I'm missing, as of now, it feels as if there's something avoiding me here.
