Topic: Propaganda. IN-DEPTH

     Our In-depth project for this topic had us work on two pieces simultaneously, in order to achieve a goal. My process started by deciding which media use and who would be portrayed.

    Early on I decided on doing a pencil drawing and a digital media propaganda piece as the two portrayals. I hadn't dabbled in drawing for class yet, and wanted to show a different skill set. Immediately after that I chose the personality I wanted to use. After a bit of research I decided on Daniel Radcliffe. His role as Harry Potter carries a lot of weight to this day, which usually means he is viewed as a positive character, noble, heroic and straight edge. I used this preconceived bias to carry a lot of weight for me, and tie everything together.

    For the portrait I chose to do graphite pencil and china ink on paper. I depicted Daniel smoking as he looks into the far horizon. He seems tired, pale and unkept. Although there is no direct intend in guiding the viewer's perception of Daniel, the preconceived bias towards him brings a negative light to this portrait.

    Then for the propaganda piece, the opposite was needed. Although not directly referencing smoking AS the negative element, when working in conjunction with the portrait, the dots could be connected.

    The way it was mounted served two purposes. It was both an experiment for another project, and also a way to change the read on the pieces. Mounting them straight on a wall alongside the other ones, would give it a different read, especially the portrait, so by adding this new element I tried to alter the read of the work. I believe it would have worked better were it not for space constraints in the classroom.


