Deep Surface: Ornament and Patterns

Deep Surface gave a comprehensive walk through of patterns and ornaments, in several aspects of life. Ornaments are not something I consciously think about a lot, even though I used them fairly often. I personally never thought of ornaments as something feminine ( unless intentionally made to look feminine, be it by color or figures like flowers and usually feminine features), so in that sense I can relate more to the arabesque culture more than the western despective perception of the phenomenon.

I've been using these two paragraph responses to explore some ideas that weren't asked in these forms, though this one in particularly was very all encompassing, as well as the article. It's a strange feeling of saturation where the article explores many facets and leaves you fulfilled. Very much alike quenching thirst. In fact, the article and form have rather solidified what's expected of me through this topic, by packaging enough information for me to digest and work off of, in these small works.
